James Doyle
Contributing sermons since Aug 22, 2005
Newest Sermon Illustrations
As A 5 Year Old I Would Pretend To Fall Asleep ...
Contributed on Aug 22, 2005
As a 5 year old I would pretend to fall asleep during the evening worship service! If I did, I knew my dad would carry me home. I would do this becasue we walked to and from church. It was about 1 each way. Being little wasn’t my problem. The length wasn’t my problem. I enjoyed the walk ...read more
While Living In Mississippi I Loved To Hunt And ...
Contributed on Aug 22, 2005
While living in Mississippi I loved to hunt and took every opportunity to do so. One day, our 5 year old begged and begged me to take him hunting. Finally, I acquiesced. Now every sane person knows that no one takes a 5 year old hunting. But we did go into the woods together. He had his ...read more