James Banks
Contributing sermons since Jul 22, 2004
Newest Sermons
The Believers Catechism
Contributed on Jul 22, 2004
We have all been taught about Jesus and His healing ministry, working of miracles and casting out demons. But the Church( the Body of Christ) as a whole knows very little about Jesus and the power left to the Church. The average believer has been saved fo
What did I do to be saved? You are saved when you do two things outlined in the Scriptures; (a) Exercise to God in repentance(acts 17:30-31; 2 Corinthians 7:10) and (b) Exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ ( Romans 10:9-10) The two points were originally outlined by the Apostle Paul when he met ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Grounding The New Believersin The Word Of God.
Contributed on Jul 22, 2004