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  • A Tree For The Healing Of The Nations

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 15, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    This section of scripture assigned to me tonight describes what could be called the “new Eden.” What the first Garden of Eden was supposed to be is fulfilled here. What Adam and Eve would have had if they had not fallen is what is, here, given to God’s pe

    MAGIC CITY LECTURESHIP Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III A Tree for the Healing of the Nations Revelation 22:1-2 / Acts 10:34-40 PRELIMINARIES In the wonderful, redemptive and powerful name of Jesus, I am glad to be here in Birmingham, Alabama tonight, and I am glad to have been invited, after all more

  • When Your Flight Has Been Delayed

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    This is frustrating to us, because somewhere in our psyche we believe that if we do everything we’re supposed to do, everything is going to happen like it’s supposed to happen! This delay does not occur based on anything you may or may not have done.

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III WHEN YOUR FLIGHT HAS BEEN DELAYED Exodus 3:7-10 INTRODUCTION Nothing is as frustrating in the life of the traveler, than to: Pack your bags...on time, Get in your car...on time, Leave your house...on time, Arrive at the airport...on time, To be at the appropriate more

  • As Long As I Am In This Tabernacle

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    When the Apostle Peter penned his first letter, his aim was to comfort and encourage believers in the midst of suffering and persecution---Something that was happening externally. Three years later, in this letter containing his last words, he writes to

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III AS LONG AS I AM IN THIS TABERNACLE II Peter 1:12-15 Prepared for Delivery at Southwestern Christian College Annual Southwestern Lectureship / Graham-Kennedy-Farmer Auditorium Tuesday, November 24, 1998 • 7:45 p.m. / Keynote Address THE TEXT "Wherefore I will not more

  • I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 11 ratings

    There is a comfort in knowing Jesus. A comfort zone that is indescribable and satisfying, fulfilling and complete. In this 13th chapter of Hebrews, the writer is dealing with our ethics, Christian ethics, and he focuses on sexual purity, satisfaction

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FOSAKE YOU Hebrews 13:5-6 INTRODUCTION As has already been stated by the many preachers who have mounted this pulpit before me, the Book of Hebrews could be titled, "The Preeminence of Jesus Christ," for indeed, Jesus Christ is superior more

  • The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 20 ratings

    he fact that God alone is sovereign, having all power, must be understood by every person who would enter into a covenant relationship with the Lord. That the sacrificial death of Christ on Calvary’s cross was not to enable us: to never get sick,

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III THE LORD GIVETH, THE LORD TAKETH AWAY Prepared for Delivery at the Magic City Lectureship Birmingham, Alabama at the Bush Hill Church of Christ Monday, September 13, 1999 at 7:45 p.m. Peter Moss, Host Minister PRELIMINARIES It is with great humility that I have more

  • When Is It Time To Shout?

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In the context of current society the overriding emphasis in a great number of congregations today has been placed on emotionalism, and that, in and of itself is not wrong. It should be noted that emotionalism that grows out of knowledge...knowledge of

    Nehemiah 8:5-6 Prepared for Delivery as the Keynote Address Magic City Lectureship • Birmingham, Alabama Monday, September 11, 2000 at 8:00 p.m. PRELIMINARIES In the wonderful name of the Lord soul is just glad to be here. To my good friends who serve as co-anchors of this more

  • Safe And Saved

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Life is a complexity. Anybody who has traveled down the birth canal ought to be able to testify to that. LIFE IS A COMPLEXITY. We are continually engaged in a process that leads to ups and downs, hills and valleys, highs and lows. We are victorious, a

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III SAFE AND SAVED Jeremiah 17:14 Message prepared for Delivery at the 64th Annual National Lectureship of the churches of Christ in Birmingham, Alabama Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 4:50 p.m. W.C. Edwards, Host Minister PRELIMINARIES Giving honor to God, I am more

  • Brother Cooper's Closet

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010

    EULOGY for brother RANSOM COOPER. A sharp dresser and a good man!

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III Brother Cooper’s Closet Ephesians 6:13-19 NIV The Homegoing Service for brother Ransom Cooper Southside Church of Christ / Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Evangelist Matthew Myles, Officiant Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III, Eulogist THE OCCASION To more

  • Lord, Make Us A Strong Church

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    As the Lord has blessed each one of us to enter into a new year, 2010, I have been in prayer and have found myself very contemplative about the healthy and consistent spiritual growth of this congregation. Looking back over 2009, it is probably evident t

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III LORD MAKE US A STRONG CHURCH Acts 4:23-31 (NIV) The Text On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. more

  • Deal Or No Deal

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    EULOGY FOR A YOUNG CHRISTIAN WOMAN - Hosted by Howie Mandel on NBC, "DEAL OR NO DEAL" is an exhilarating hit game show where contestants play and deal for a top prize of $1 million in a high-energy contest of nerves, instincts and raw intuition. 

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III DEAL OR NO DEAL John 10:10 (NKJV) The Memorial Service Message for Clara Shameka Whatley Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. NorthPointe Church of Christ Montgomery, Alabama THE TEXT John 10:10 (NKJV) 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, more

  • God's Bailout For Man's Sinful Condition

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010

    BAIL-OUT became a popular word in our modern vernacular during the last few months of the presidency of George W. Bush, and continued in practice under President Barack Obama. However, long before we knew what the word meant, the process of the Bail-Out

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III God’s Bail-Out Of Man’s Sinful Condition Ephesians 2:1-7 (New International Version)   PRELIMINARIES INTRODUCTION The subject assigned to me for today’s presentation is: GOD’S BAILOUT OF MAN’S SINFUL more

  • The Church That Was Built By Christ

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Sep 10, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    It is indeed a fact that Christ built the church. That is undeniable in its biblical and spiritual premise. However, when considering this subject in a contemporary prism, I feel it necessary to make a comparison through an illustration of modern home

    EVANGELIST HERMAN E. WESLEY III The Church That Was Built By Christ Matthew 16:13-18; Psalm 127:1 PRELIMINARIES I think it necessary that when we come together for functions such as this that we spend time sharing lessons that will have a meaningful impact on our ministries and on our service. more

  • Whose House Is It?

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Nov 29, 2008

    Surely there can be no dispute that the "house" referred to in this passage belongs to the Lord. I thought, with myself, what a royal waste of everyone’s time to be given a subject like this.

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III WHOSE HOUSE IS IT? Hebrews 3:2-5 PRELIMINARIES In the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus, it’s good to be here. We’ve been having a good time here in Kansas City, all the lectures have been encouraging and many have been enlightening, and the fellowship that we are more

  • When God Has His Hand On You

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Nov 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It is difficult, from time to time, to understand that as Christians we will find ourselves in some “interesting” storms.  What is even more important is to understand that the storms that come in our lives are allowed by the permissive decree of God. 

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III When God Has His Hand on You Hebrews 12:4-11 PRELIMINARIES To my good friend and minister of this congregation of saints, Brother David M. Tillman, Jr., brother Arlester Johnson and others who are numbered among the leadership. Members of the Narrow Lane Church more

  • Full Of His House

    Contributed by Herman E. Wesley Iii on Nov 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The church ought to be a place of joy, inner peace, for the worshipper. There are, however, "joy-stealers." We ought to find joy in His presence and in His Church!

    Evangelist Herman E. Wesley III FULL OF JOY...IN HIS HOUSE! Luke 19:45-48 PRELIMINARIES THE TEXT Luke 19:45-48 (New King James Version) All Scriptures NKJV Jesus Cleanses the Temple 45 Then He went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it, 46 saying to them, “It is more