Hal's church

Church at the Bay
Tampa, Florida 33626

About Hal
  • Education: My BA is in education, Master in religious Education and a doctorate in Leadership.
  • Experience: I have been an executive pastor for 2 mega churches- Flamingo Road Church in south Florida and Church at the Springs in Ocala, FL
  • Family: My wife Sandy and 2 children- Hal 4 and Ashley. My son is our student pastor and my daughter is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
  • What I want on my tombstone: I joined God in kicking a dent in Hell!
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Newest Sermons

  • The Know It All

    Contributed on Nov 3, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a message about the destructiveness of pride and the value of humility

    We begin a new series- Did you hear the one about- parables of Jesus. • Parable- Jesus taught using these because He understood the power of a story. • We remember the stories we hear often more than the sermons… Today- we are tackling the subject of the know it all… more specifically the 2 more

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