  • Greg Yount

    Contributing sermons since Jul 30, 2005
Greg's church

South Main Baptist Church
Hinesville, Georgia 31313
(912) 368-4008

About Greg
  • Education: Currently working on my M.Div. from Luther Rice Seminary (where Dr. Charles Stanley received his D. Min.)
  • Experience: Pastored here for five years (2005). Before that was a Sunday School Superintendant, Supply Preacher, Music Minister, and Deacon Trainee
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope that these sermons are a blessing to you in your life first, and finally in your ministry. May the Lord get the credit and glory, and I will get the joy from just knowing that He has used me to bless another.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: Holy Radiator A young preacher on his first church was doing very well. The people loved him, and his sermons were not only received well, but the audience seemed to be responding. After his first month, he had to lead the congregation in communion. It was a stiff moment, but things seemed to go ok. However, that evening began a week of phone calls and letters denouncing his ability to minister. His sermons were no longer received for several weeks. The matter got so serious, he called the former (now retired) pastor. He told the pastor all about what had happened and the change that had come over the congregation. When the old pastor heard it, he asked how he had performed the communion service. The young man described in detail his every word and action. Finally, the old pastor understood. "Young man, I know your problem. The people are waiting for you to annoint their holy radiator before giving them the cup and bread during communion. For thirty years, I’ve walked over to the radiator and touched it with my finger in front of the congregation. They must think it is a part of the communion service. However, I’ve done that to discharge the static electricity before I shock someone when I give them the emblems."
  • Family: Married to my one and only wife, Jane. We have four kids (Lisa, Matt, Josh, and Andrea).
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Anyone who talks as much as a preacher is going to put his foot in his mouth sooner or later. Be prepared to eat shoe leather."
  • Books that have had an impact: "Shadow of the Almighty" by Elizabeth Elliott (about her husband, Jim - slain by the Auca Indians of South America in his effort to reach them for Jesus Christ).
  • Hobbies: Computers, fishing, camping, reading (classical literature).
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  • How Do You Feel About Change?

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2005
    based on 99 ratings

    Four responses to the change Jesus brings to our lives are pictured by the demoniac story of Mark.

    Introduction: “Maria” cleaned up her own blood from a stairwell in an East Side apartment building. “Maria” was not attacked or in an accident — she intentionally cut herself with a razor blade. You’ll find out why in a moment, but first you need to know that “Maria” suffers from a disorder more

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