  • Gerald Cornelius

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Gerald's church

North Euless Baptist Church
Euless, Texas 76039

About Gerald
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts - Baylor University, Waco, Texas 1970 Master of Divinity - Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas 1976 Doctor of Ministry - Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas 1987
  • Experience: Blynda and I have served for 14 years as SBC missionaries in Brazil and in Russia. I have pastored 20 years in Texas, Oregon, and Ohio.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope my sermons will inspire you to look even deeper into the Word of God. May they edify and encourage you.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Sermon preached by my Director of Missions at my ordination. Why Run the Race? Hebrews 12:1-2 We run the race because of the crowd above us, the sin beneath us, Christ beside us, the cross behind us, and the crown before us.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: My brother, Niles, was trained as a medic in the Army. He was told that when there are wounded person dying on the battlefield he must not look the person in the eyes. When asked why, the instructor said, if you look you would never leave him to help someone else. We have a world of lost people, wounded and dying from sin. If we would look them in the eye, we would not leave them until they came to know our Savior.
  • Family: I have been married to Blynda for 31 years. I have two grown children - My son, Jason is married to Patti and lives in Lewisville. They have their first child, Alyssa. My son works in the health care field and Patti is a school teacher. My daughter, Joanna, is a Southern Baptist Journeyman missionary working in Macapa, Amapa, Brazil.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: When my father was living, he was my best advocate and encouraged me by sending me illustrations and stories useful for future sermons. My mother has always affirmed my preaching.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: My wife is my best critic. She reminds me to always do my best in sermon preparation and then to depend on the Holy Spirit to preach with spiritual power.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Given by my preaching professor, Dr. H.C. Brown at Southwestern. "Gentlemen, always base your sermons directly on the Word of God. Don’t prostitute the Word by quoting a scripture as the main text and never again mentioning it. When you step into the pulpit feed the flock of God."
  • Books that have had an impact: Quantum Spirituality by Leonard Sweet, Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, Seven Habits of Effective People by Stephen Covey, Grace Awakening by Chuck Swindoll, The Vanishing Conscience by John MacArthur
  • Hobbies: Computers, reading, painting
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: It has been worth it all to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust Jesus with all your heart and you will never be disappointed.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: In my first church in Texas, it was very warm and we open the church front doors to get some ventilation. A bird flew in and proceeded to dive bomb me during my sermon. I was ducking right and left and the congregation was laughing themselves out of their pews. The bird finally gave up trying to hit me and flew out the door.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Faithful to Jesus to the End
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    based on 117 ratings

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  • Do You Want Eternal Life?

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    Jude teaches how to prepare for heaven.

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  • A Portrait Of God

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  • The Ministry Of The Deacon

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2001
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  • How To Live Without Anxiety

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 170 ratings

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