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  • God's Limitation Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Sep 11, 2008

    When man fell, how did God limit himself?

    God’s Limitation Genesis 2:16-17 Introduction When we think of God, we think of Him as all-powerful. We think He can do anything anytime He wants to. God flung a million stars in the sky. They fell into place, and they shine just as He planned. He created planets beyond our wildest more

  • God Had A Dream Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Sep 11, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Beginning of a five week look at how God works in the lives of His people.

    God had a Dream Genesis 1:26 Introduction As parents we all have a dream for our children. We want the best for them. We want them to become all they can be. We dream for their successes, accomplishments, and spiritual development. So God had a dream for the man and woman He created and more

  • Habits Of The Holy Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on May 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon #5 Final sermon in Holiness series. This sermon looks at the question "What does a holy person look like"?

    Habits of the Holy Various Scriptures It’s May again. Time for our annual reports. Every year, we are asked by our denomination to report the “number of people sanctified this year through local church ministries.” What does that mean? For instance, shall we count how many prayed, or how more

  • Completely Surrendered Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on May 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon #4 This sermon look at the doctrine of Entire Sanctification.

    Completely Surrendered Various Scriptures As we have discussed over the past few weeks, there is a real gospel that is available to any an every person. Genuine holiness is available for every believer. Moses’ humility, David’s heart after God, Paul’s pressing toward the mark, Augustine’s “give more

  • The Heart Of The Matter Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on May 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon #3 This sermon talks about what holiness looks like. Taken from "Whatever Became of Holiness" by Steve Deneff

    The Heart of the Matter Leviticus 11:43-45 Do not defile yourselves by any of these creatures. Do not make yourselves unclean by means of them or be made unclean by them. I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature more

  • What Ever Happened To Sin? Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on May 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Sermon #2 Using Steve Deneff’s book "Whatever Became of Holiness" as a guide, we look at sin is, and how to truly repent.

    What Ever Happened to Sin? G.K. Chesterson once said the doctrine of original sin was the one belief that empirically validated by 3500 years of human history. But the doctrine of sin has fallen on hard times lately. Not because we have bettered ourselves, nor even because we have denied it, more

  • Rediscovering The Holiness Of God Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on May 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Sermon #1 Using Steve Deneff’s book entitled "Whatever became of Holiness" as a guideline, this sermon talks about rediscovering a Holy God is the first step in the journey of Holiness.

    Rediscovering the Holiness of God Isaiah 6:1-9a Over the next few weeks, I want to take the time to look at holiness. The Nazarene church is founded upon the Holiness traditions of the Wesley’s. In a nutshell, they taught there was more to this Christian experience than just salvation. John more

  • The Three Views Of The Tomb

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Apr 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    As we look at Peter and John, we see ourselves in our spiritual journey as they look into the tomb of Jesus.

    The Three Views of the Tomb John 20:1-9 It was the great race of the century. Peter and John, two of the closest disciples to Jesus, tore off from the house to the tomb. Mary Magdalene and company had just told the disciples something about the stone being rolled away, grave clothes, angels and more

  • The Road To The Cross Leads Through Jericho

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Apr 24, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This message was preached on Palm Sunday. It looks the impact that Jesus has on three different people on the way to Jerusalem.

    The Road to the Cross Leads through Jericho Luke 18:18-19:10 I believe that we all like the story of Jesus’ “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem. Even if it was just for that moment, people surrounded a Man on donkey and proudly declared Him to be king. The throng rang with shouts of “Hosanna!” more

  • This Thing Called Grace

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Apr 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    I received the outline for this message from a local Nazarene colleague. It draws a comparison between the grace Christ extended to the lady caught in adultery and the grace shown by the elements of the communion table.

    THIS THING CALLED GRACE John 8:2-11 When I was in Grade 1, I was almost caught throwing rocks. It was during the lunchtime recess when my cousin and I decided the most productive thing to do was to throw rocks. We were not throwing rocks at the school. We were not trying to smash out windows. more

  • Giving God Your Treasure Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Mar 19, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon #3 in Stewardship series. This talks about why anything short of the full tithe is robbing God.

    Stewardship Series #3 “Giving God Your Treasure” Malachi 3:6-12 One day a certain old, rich man of a miserable disposition visited a rabbi, who took the rich man by the hand and led him to a window. "Look out there," he said. The rich man looked into the street. "What do you see?" asked the more

  • Giving God Your Talents Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Mar 19, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    Sermon #2 in a Stewardship series. Talks about givign back to God the gifts that He has blessed us with

    Stewardship Series #2 “Giving God Your Talents” Romans 12:3-8 I had a grandmother that couldn’t carry as “tune in a pail.” Neither my mother or father ever preached a message. My sister cannot play any musical instruments. To my knowledge I have never had a relative that was a head of state, a more

  • Giving God Your Time Series

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Mar 19, 2007
    based on 18 ratings

    The first Stewardship sermon preached during our Stewardship campaign. God wants Christians to be good stewards of their time.

    Stewardship Series #1 “Giving God Your Time” Psalm 90:12 Time is the heritage of every person. Whether a king or street sweeper, an astronomer or truck driver, a business tycoon or grocery clerk, each of us has the same number of hours. Many necessities and opportunities demand much of our day. more

  • Ready To Rumble

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Feb 27, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The armour of God!!!

    Ready To Rumble Ephesians 6:10-18 MGM recently released the latest movie in the “Rocky” franchise with Sylvester Stallone reprising the role of the boxing legend Rocky Balboa, also the name of the latest film. Once again the “Italian Stallion” plays the role of underdog in a film series that more

  • What Did He Just Say???

    Contributed by Frederic Whittier on Feb 27, 2007

    What should a Christian marriage look like?

    What did he just say??? Ephesians 5:22-33 There were two lines of husbands in heaven, one for the dominant husbands and one for the passive, submissive husbands. The submissive husband line extended almost out of sight. There was one man in the dominant husband line. He was small, timid, appeared more

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