Fred's church

United Church of the Valley
Murrieta , California 95207

About Fred
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Newest Sermons

  • Come To Make Us Pure

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2008

    Jesus came the first time to cleanse us and make us pure through his death and resurrection and as he showed us God’s love and mercy.

    I) When I lived in Ottawa, KS there was a salvage yard especially for trucks -- big trucks, mid-size trucks, cabs of all sizes and trailers, too -- the truck salvage yard had it all. In reality it looked like a cemetery for old, broken down trucks. This salvage yard spanned a half mile location more

  • Hope For The Journey

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Hope is what enables us to see that silver lining around the dark clouds and makes us look for a rainbow during the rainstorm.

    I) Eighteen months ago, I embarked on a journey. I packed up my belongings and headed from Kansas to Northern California to begin a new life. I had been divorced for almost a year, and I had begun a relationship with a wonderful woman from San Diego, CA. The little furniture that I had along more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Jim Always Thought He Was A Pretty Good Guy. Oh ...

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2008

    Jim always thought he was a pretty good guy. Oh ... he made some mistakes once in a while ... but overall he thought he was OK. He knew that he wasn’t a BAD person. Oh, he fudged on his income tax a little bit .. not really cheated he said .. just fudged a little bit. He would stay out on more

  • When I Lived In Ottawa, Ks There Was A Salvage ...

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2008

    When I lived in Ottawa, KS there was a salvage yard especially for trucks -- big trucks, mid-size trucks, cabs of all sizes and trailers, too -- the truck salvage yard had it all. In reality it looked like a cemetery for old, broken down trucks. This salvage yard spanned a half mile location along more

  • A Change In Hope

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2008

    A CHANGE IN HOPE Ben was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 16 years old. Hope is the one thing that kept his parents, Kevin and Laura moving forward. Hope is what kept them from giving up. His younger sister, Bethany, always kept her sights on the silver lining. He went through a more