  • Eric Stefanski

    Contributing sermons since Aug 2, 2003
Eric's church

Holy Trinity Evangelical-Lutheran Church
Harrison, Arkansas 72602

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  • Jesus Calls A Sinner!

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    "Jesus Sinners Doth Receive"

    Jesus Calls a Sinner St. Matthew 9:9-13 St. Matthew had quite a reputation to live down! The ’publicans’, or ’tax collectors’, of the Roman Empire were so crooked that the animosity toward the IRS today is partly because of them. Why should we be mad at the taxmen when it is Congress that more

  • Genuine Food And Drink

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    Jesus is our genuine Food and Drink; nothing else satisfies, but he both makles alive and sustains!

    How can we receive: Genuine Food and Drink? Saint John 6:51-58 Introduction If you look through last week’s bestseller list under non-fiction books, you’ll find that three of them were from the same author: the late Dr. Atkins. In fact, diet books and cookbooks generally make up the greater more

  • The Food We Need

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Christ is the Food We Need; all other food is perishing, as are those who trust in it; earthly food is merely a means to sustain life, while we need a food that will give life to the dead

    The Food We Need St. John 6:22-35 Introduction Our Old Testament reading this morning recounts the story of the Lord’s providing manna for the Children of Israel as they made their way to the promised land. Have you ever wondered what manna must have been like? Unbelieving scientists and more

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  • Those Who Don't Understand The Food That God ...

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Those who don’t understand the food that God gives, those who don’t see how deep their need is for it, also consider the Gospel and Sacrament as ’fleeting’, and they seek some new ’rush’ in worship, desiring an emotional high, no matter how lacking in nutrition such a meal is. It’s like the more