  • Eliseo Tibio

    Contributing sermons since Oct 16, 2019
Eliseo's church

City of San Fernando, 2000
09976042303 or 09194997777

About Eliseo
  • Education: Bachelor of Theology -Foursquare Bible College; College Education - Philippine Normal University Master Education - Pampanga State Agricultural University Doctorate: Doctor of Humanities
  • Experience: 36 years in the Ministry and as Ordained Pastor of Church of the Foursquare Gospel in the Philippines Inc. 25 years as Bible Professor, Mentor. 15 years as Volunteer Counselor of 700 club Asia
  • Family: Rev. Albemia Acaso Tibio, my spouse is a Missionary Oriented, graduated with a Master's in Christian Leadership, with our son Joash Rey A. Tibio, senior graphic artist and a Music Director in our church, and my daughter Nahumie Ann A. Tibio, a Singer & Worship Leader. My children are blessings to the church and in the ministry. !
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  • How To Face New Year Victoriously?

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2021

    The truth is when we received Jesus as Lord and Savior of life, the old life has gone and the new has come.

    Every New Year we always heard about the resolution of every individual. They promise to change in their lives. Maybe like; I want to be slim this year, or I will not eat too much rice or something, or I will not be late for my work. There are a lot of new resolutions but after a week or month we more