  • Dustin Bumgarner

    Contributing sermons since Mar 4, 2014
Dustin's church

Penwood Christian Church
Sparrows Point, Maryland 21219

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Newest Sermons

  • The Sower: The Flower Approach To Life Well Lived

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2014

    Jesus told the Parable about the Sower (or Farmer, as I've written throughout). This sermon displays a unique approach to that parable, along with a special acronym of FLOWER. We must use the FLOWER method in our everyday walk with God.

    Intro: How many people here have gone to the local Farmer’s Market to get you some fresh produce? Imagine taking a bite out of a sweet, juicy watermelon. In order to bring that fresh watermelon to you, the farmer or grower would have to do some digging (pun intended) to find out the perfect more

  • By Grace You Are Saved!

    Contributed on Mar 4, 2014

    This message focuses on God's grace in action, His great plan for our life, as well as a short story of how God's great grace changed a life in just a few short weeks. Enjoy!

    The topic I chose for today’s message is Grace. When we do what is right and just, when we follow God’s rules, when we step out of ourselves and let God lead our paths, we will have His grace and favor! Grace is God at work in us. God shows His great grace the most, when He gave up His more