  • Duane Brown

    Contributing sermons since Nov 22, 2005
Duane's church

Turning Point Nazarene
Bedford, Indiana 47421

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  • Faces

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    A book based on Facebook

    I’ll begin this morning by confessing recently I have become a fan of Face book…and by what I am finding apparently so have a lot of you. Rapidly Face book has become the new “something” of the internet craze of social networking, and I am finding you just simply aren’t in the “it” crowd if you more

  • The Missing Piece

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    The third sermon in a series from the writings of Chuck Swindoll’s Life on the Ragged Edge

    I am convinced this morning that all across this great country of ours are there are people who are trying to put all the pieces of life together and they are coming up one piece short. Have you ever worked a puzzle, maybe you spent hours on it, and you just about have it completed and it looks more

  • Continued Downward

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Another sermon inspired from Chuck Swindolls Living on the ragged edge

    You’ve no doubt seen the t-shirts or the billboards, or watched the commercials, where the theme was nothing more than…”if it feels good …do it!” It even makes its way into boutique shops, handcrafted on little plaques, and the bookstores line their shelves with self help books like “looking more

  • Apathy Rules

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Taken from Chuck Swindolls Living on the Ragged Edge

    The story is told of a university library, where there appeared - on the walls - in bold, sprawling letters, about 12” high…two (2) words of graffiti - "APATHY RULES!" Perhaps those words were written by a disillusioned student - a student who has spent endless hours in the pursuit of some more

  • I Am Joseph

    Contributed on Feb 20, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    7th in a series on the life of Joseph

    Why was Joseph considered great? Why does the spirit of God seem to hover over his life more than any other person in the book of Genesis? Joseph wasn’t any superhero; he was just a mere man. He never walked on water, he didn’t possess a halo, he never performed a miracle, this guy seemed to be more

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