  • Dr. Terry Cheek

    Contributing sermons since Jan 10, 2011
Dr.'s church

Calvary Baptist Church
Marion, North Carolina 28761

About Dr.
  • Education: God has truly blessed my life with education and training. He has provided and engineering technology degree to support my family when needed, a Bachelors degree in ministry, a Master degree in Pastoral Studies and a Doctorate of Theology to complete His plan thus far. The amazing part is that He provided all of these with no student loans, they were all paid for as they were completed.
  • Experience: God has given me eight years of service in the pulpit and I am grateful for each and everyone.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I provide outlines that may seem simple or incomplete when placed along side others, consider them skeletons that need fleshing out.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Christ and the Tabernacle; Shadows of the Savior
  • Family: My wife is my partner in ministry by God's call and her obedience to that call. Our children have all left the nest and began families and lives of their own, we are proud of them all. Lori and I look forward to the doors God will open for us now and service He has for us in the future.
  • Books that have had an impact: Best answered by listing authors God has used to bless and build my ministry. Adrian Rogers, David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, Dwight Pentecost; just to name a few.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Always enter the pulpit full of Gods word and leave having emptied yourself of it.
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  • A Soldier Of The Cross

    Contributed on Jan 15, 2011

    God prepares us for spiritual battle, lets see how.

    A Soldier of the Cross Eph. 6:10-20 Introduction: I personally have never been in the military, oh I spent some time in ROTC during high school but I have never served this country as many have. However I stand before you today as a soldier, a soldier of the cross. If you are a child of God more