  • Dr. Harold Elam Jr

    Contributing sermons since Aug 20, 2016
Dr.'s church

Nehemiah Ministries
Las Vegas, Nevada 89130
(702) 645-2544

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  • Ayeka - Where Are You?

    Contributed on Aug 20, 2016

    Where Are You? It is a question asked in Genesis 3:9. Adam and Eve had just eaten some fruit from the forbidden tree and, sensing God's presence in the Garden of Eden, they hid among the trees. While they were hiding, God asked Adam a one-word question.

    Where are you?" Where are you? It is what we ask our children when they knock over the living room lamp and hide behind the sofa with their foot sticking out. Where ARE you? Today God has allowed me the opportunity to reveal a Rhema Word Ayeka (Where Are You), Some Spiritual Principals and most more