  • Don Paden

    Contributing sermons since Jun 12, 2007
Don's church

Montpelier Church Of Christ
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807

About Don
  • Education: Don T. Paden has a BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY DEGREE from Ozark Christian College, Joplin, MO - graduating from there (Then Ozark BIBLE College)in 1964.
  • Experience: Don Paden began preaching regularly the beginning of his second year in college and other than a limited number of sick days and vacation - had been in the pulpit almost every Lord’s Day.
  • Family: Joann and I have Two sons: Timothy Mark and Robert Taylor. Timothy Mark is married to Sandra Kay (Griffin) Paden and they have given us SEVEN (7) GRANDsons and TWO (2) GRANDdaughters. Robert Taylor is married to Lori Jane (Keppel) Paden and they have given us ONE (1) GRANDdaughter and ONE (1)GRANDson. Tim and Sandie’s two oldest: James and Jonathan will be married this summer. GRANDPA PADEN will perform BOTH ceremonies.
  • Hobbies: Computer and GRANDchildren.
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