Derrick Garth
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
And The Giants Keep Comming
Contributed on Jun 6, 2002
Youth inspiration
The Giants Just Keep On Coming! I Samuel 17 D. P. Garth 1st night revival Bethlehem (Alabama) Song: I need thee Text: 1 Samuel 17 (We want to call your attention to this chapter and I urge that you read the entire chapter) However, because of the limitation of time and the length of the ...read more
Situation Looks Mighty Bad
Contributed on Aug 10, 2001
Sermon of inspiration (Dry Bones)
Situation Looks Mighty Bad Ezekiel 37:1-4, 7-10 Delivered at Pleasant Ridge 2001 Rev. Derrick P. Garth Introduction: If ever there was a time that we need a breakthrough. If ever there was a time that we need a word from the Lord now is that time. It don’t take a rocket scientist to ...read more