  • David Selleck

    Contributing sermons since Nov 8, 2005
David's church

Lakeside United Methodist
Muskegon, Michigan 49441

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  • Just Add Water

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Michael Yaconelli’s, "Messy Spirituality" God’s Annoying Love for Imperfect People

    Template Oct 22, 2006 Messy Spirituality Series 4 Felt Need: I believe God forgives, but I am not sure He forgives me, am I too much of a loser for God? Hoped for Result: Listeners will understand and believe in their hearts that God Forgives our past and He loves and accepts, us in the more

  • God Loves Us When We Are Uncomfortable

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Michael Yaconelli’s "Messy Spirituality" God’s Annoying Love for Imperfect People

    Template Oct 15, 2006 Messy Spirituality Series 3 Felt Need: Did Jesus have to turn everything upside down to get people like me to listen? Hoped for Results: Jesus was against the status quo, he loved the adventure of the unknown. Message: God loves us when we are more

  • God's Plan For Spiritual Misfits

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Second in a series of messages from Michael Yaconelli’s book "Messy Spirituality" God’s Annoying Love for Imperfect People.

    Template Oct 8, 2006 Messy Spirituality Series 2 Felt Need: What is God’s plan for my life, why is this so difficult to figure out? Desired Results: Persons would hear the Good News of God’s grace and know that they are loved and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Message: God’s plan for more

  • Am I A Messy Christian?

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006

    Series of four sermons using Micheal Yaconelli’s book "Messy Spirituality" God’s Annoying Love for Imperfect People

    Template Oct 1, Messy Spiritualism Series 1 2006 World Communion Sunday Messages adapted from Messy Spirituality by Michael Yaconelli. Felt Need: Does God accept me with all my baggage, shortcomings, sins? Desired Outcome: To understand that God always is seeking and loving the least more

  • Defending The Faith In Narnia

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Peter recieves the sword of truth from Aslan and is expected to use it to defend the faith against the White Witch and all her minions, in other words defend the faith. How do we defend the faith?

    Message: Peter; Defending the faith in Narnia Scripture: I Kings 2:2 (Message) 2"I’m about to go the way of all the earth, but you--be strong; show what you’re made of! Eph 6: 11-18 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our more

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  • A Conspiracy Of Grace

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006

    In Mike’s book he tells the story of Carl. It was little league and Carl was at bat. It was the last inning, two outs the bases were loaded, and depending on how Carl did, it would decide the winner and the loser of the game...! Carl came from a large family and they were there the mother and more

  • The Road Of Life

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006

    "The Road of Life" Author Unknown At first, I saw Jesus Christ as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things I did wrong, so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn’t more

  • Michael Yaconelli's "Messy Spirituality"

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Michael Yaconelli’s, "Messy Spirituality" Vincent’s story about grace graciously given in the messiest of circumstances from Michael Yaconelli’s book Messy Spirituality. In a book aby New Zealand author Mike Riddell, Vincent has met and fallen in love with a young girl named Marilyn. Neither more

  • Mike Yaconneli Talks About Eric. "I'll Never ...

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006

    Mike Yaconneli talks about Eric. “I’ll never forget the day Eric, a recovering alcoholic, stood up in our church during announcements. Eric’s lifelong battle with alcohol had been mostly unsuccessful. He had been in and our of jail, and his drinking was taking its toll on his marriage. ‘I need more

  • Messy Spirituality, Mike Yaconelli Tell Us About ...

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Messy Spirituality, Mike Yaconelli tell us about a boy walking by a pet store, on his way to school, a young boy stopped and stared through the window. Inside were four black puppies playing together. After school he ran home and pleaded with his mother to let him have one of the puppies. “Il more