David Green
Contributing sermons since Dec 19, 2004
Newest Sermons
The Ordinarily Extraordinary
Contributed on Dec 19, 2004
Relating two aspects of the birth of Jesus Christ; the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Intro: -Read John 3:16-18 -Sometimes it is true that we remain insensitive to how much someone else loves us, until we have failed them. Only then, to discover that it makes no difference at all in their love for us. Their love, therefore, becomes a kind of love that is neither deserved nor ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Malcolm Muggeridge Explained With The ...
Contributed on Dec 19, 2004
Malcolm Muggeridge explained with the speculation of the scenario of Christ’s birth in our post-modern world, “.....in our day, with family-planning clinics offering convenient ways to correct “mistakes” that might disgrace a family name, “It is, in point of fact, extremely improbable, under ...read more
Philip Yancey, In His Book, The Jesus I Never ...
Contributed on Dec 19, 2004
Philip Yancey, in his book, The Jesus I Never Knew, says, “.....it seems that God arranged the most humiliating circumstances possible for his entrance, as if to avoid any charge of favoritism. I am impressed that when the ...read more