  • Daryn Bahn

    Contributing sermons since Jun 19, 2003
Daryn's church

Christ Lutheran Church
Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449

About Daryn
  • Education: Bachelors: Concordia College, Wisconsin --1988 M.Div.: Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, --1992
  • Experience: Before serving here I served at Bethlehem Lutheran in Sylvan Grove Kansas, and then I had a dual parish in Laona and Crandon, WI, at St. John and Good Shepherd Lutheran. I’ve been here since 1999.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Usually the way they come out is a little different than what you get in the written form.
  • Family: My wife, Karen, is a 4th grade teacher at Immanuel Lutheran School in Marshfield. She has a Master’s degree in elementary school counseling and is working on her Doctorate in Adult Education with an emphasis in administration. We have three children: Clarissa, Andrew, and Joel.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: They’re too long!
  • Hobbies: Tae Kwon Do, inline skating, fishing, reading
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: Once my youngest son just wouldn’t stop fussing during the service, so I helped my wife out by holding him during the sermon. It worked! He didn’t cry, and I think it made the sermon a memorable one for the people.
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Newest Sermons

  • It Is A Gift To Give

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2003
    based on 85 ratings

    What it means to excel in the grace of giving.

    Imagine that a large church burned to the ground somewhere in north Wisconsin, and that all the congregations of our district were asked to help rebuild it by collecting an offering. Every congregation was asked, all but one. This tiny little congregation could hardly afford to keep going. They more

  • Saint Or Satan

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    This "Saints Peter and Paul" sermon is about the real evil we are each unintentionally capable of and how God overcomes it, using the example of Peter.

    Saint or Satan? This Sunday we observe a day in remembrance of Peter and Paul, both, according to tradition, were put to death as martyrs, as witnesses to Jesus Christ, on June 29, in or around the year 67 AD. This is one of the oldest of such days in the history of the New Testament church, more

  • God Can Get Pretty Far With A Clay Jar

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    There is always hope for what God can do in our lives!

    Last Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, Pastor Mark and Sandy and Dave and Sharon Makela and Karen and I were at our North Wisconsin District, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Convention in Appleton. It was a good convention, and it’s amazing to see how God works at such gatherings of believers, but one more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Have You Ever Seen The Show, M*a*s*h*? At ...

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    Have you ever seen the show, M*A*S*H*? At Lifest, Reggie Dabbs told us about a M*A*S*H* unit. Because of the vast number of wounded, they had to color code the victims of war. Yellow was good. If you had a yellow card put on you, it meant that your injury was not serious. You were given an more