  • Darryl Gaddy

    Contributing sermons since Apr 24, 2003
Darryl's church

Victory Fellowship Baptist Church
Detroit, Michigan 48234

About Darryl
  • Education: Allen Park Bible Institute Allen PArk, Michigan Midwestern Baptist College Pontiac, Michigan
  • Experience: 10 Years Associate Minister Bethesda M.B.C. while serving as 5 Years Youth Ministry Director Bethesda M.B.C. and 5 Years Christian Education Director Bethesda M.B.C. 1 Year Pastor Victory Fellowship Baptist Church 11/2006
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Be gentle with me!
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The Roman Road
  • One of my favorite illustrations: The one that describes our church attitude, we do things so often without really knowing why, which keeps us out of God’s true will because he has given us the right information to live on purpose and not by tradition or by accident. A young girl saw her mother cooking a roast. She cut the roast in half and placed it in the pan. The young girl asked, "Mommy why did you cut the roast before you put it in the pan?" I don’t know the mother replied, call your grandma I learned it from her, mother said. The young girl called her grandmother, "NaNa, why does mommy cut the roast in half when she placed it in the pan? Why honey, I don’t know, but I cut my roast because my pan was too small!
  • Family: Wife Daphne - Church 1st Lady and Usher Ministry Son Darryl Jr. - 15 Musician Organist Daughter Shante - 23 Granddaughter - Kyla 2 Years Grandson - Jaden 6 Months
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother often says, "If we had teaching and preaching like that when I was young, we would be much better!"
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: As a pastors kid she is excited and enjoys the preaching, but has previously said I am too repetitious! But say’s now that repeptition is good, it instills the principles of God’s word in peoples mind and heart!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: If you can help it don’t preach, but if you were called then you won’t be able to help it.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Bible
  • Hobbies: Computers, Photoshop Graphics, Youth Programming, Mentoring, Teaching Doctrinal and Theological Application to enhance lives.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Accept the Lord and be Saved!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: hmmmm, still thinking!
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  • We Are God's Design.

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Made By God, For God, With God.

    We Are God’s Design! Who am I? Have you ever asked yourself the question when pondering through life’s experiences? Have you ever considered what makes you, you? What is it all for? Well if we ask today what or who we are it should also lead us to wonder where did we come from? Well if we more

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