Darryl 's church

The Promise Church
Galena, Ohio 43021

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  • Our Incomparable Christ: Resurrection

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2016

    Christ's Resurrection is well attested. It not only gives us hope, but it demonstrates Christ's supremacy over all things.

    Our Incredible Christ—Resurrection; Col 1:18; 11-17-15; 4th of 4. What a wonderful journey we’ve been on as we spend time with Our Incredible Christ. We’ve looked at his role in creation and seen that we were made “for him.” We’ve seen the incarnation and more

  • Our Incomparable Christ: Crucifixion

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2016

    The meaning of the crucifixion and its results for us. Evidence that Christ is the only way to God, and the meaning of forgiveness

    Our Incomparable Christ—Crucifixion; Col 1:15-23; 11-16-2015; 3rd of 4. We follow an Incomparable Christ. He is described for us in Colossians 1:15-20, which we are exploring in this series. If you have a Bible, I invite you to follow along as I talk about the passage. So far we’ve more

  • Our Incomparable Christ: Incarnation

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2016

    Explore the huge step of God becoming human and what that means for God understanding our struggles.

    Our Incomparable Christ—Incarnation; Col 1:15-20; Phil 2:5-11; Nov 15, 2015, p.m.; 2nd of 4. It’s great to be with you, and I’m grateful for the op-portunity. We’re considering “Our Incomparable Christ” as we explore Colossians 1:15-20. So far we’ve more

  • Our Incomparable Christ: Creatoin

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2016

    Jesus' role in creation gives meaning and purpose to our lives.

    Our Incomparable Christ--Creation; Col 1:15-20; 11-22-15; 1st of 4. Something I’ve been doing the last few years is to in-vite people to join me in giving a message. At the end of my talk I will invite you to share your insights or questions that come out of what I’ve said. more

  • Life Without Limits

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2006
    based on 25 ratings

    Because of Christ’s resurrection, God’s power is available for you.

    Life without Limits; Mark 16:1-8; Romans 6:5-11 NLT; 7th of 7 in “All for You” series; Easter Sunday; 04-16-06; The Promise; Darryl Bell What limits you? What ties you down? What holds you back? What keeps you from becoming all you intended to become and from doing all you long to accomplish? more

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  • Like The First Disciples, Our Greatest Need Is ...

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Like the first disciples, our greatest need is not just to see or hear about the resurrection, but to have the resurrection happen to us. Lloyd Ogilvie says, “The most powerful historical proof of the resurrection is the ‘resurrected’ disciples. Dull, defeated people became fearless, adventuresome more

  • David Garland Notes That The Violence Of ...

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    David Garland notes that the violence of renegades like Barabbas continued in the decades that followed until it finally erupted into a full-scale war with Rome. Rome invaded Palestine and destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple and most of the people who lived there. The leaders had been afraid of more

  • In Pakistan Eighteen-Year-Old Mohan Shazad Grew ...

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2006

    In Pakistan eighteen-year-old Mohan Shazad grew up making bricks for less than a dollar a day. To free himself from that near-slavery, he began selling Christian literature to the brick kiln workers. “Late last September as Mohan was riding his bike home from a day of selling literature, two men more

  • In China Police And Public Security Bureau (Psb) ...

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In China police and Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers raided the home of a Christian we’ll call “Ling.” “When the officers entered, they found ample amounts of contraband: Bibles, Christian literature, … and other Christian materials. But what was more troubling in their eyes than the large more

  • Roger Rose Tells This Story: When He Was A Boy ...

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Roger Rose tells this story: When he was a boy more than 60 years ago, his young brother was fatally injured in a tragic accident. A dirt road ran alongside their house, and only on rare occasions would there be a car on it. But one day as his brother was crossing on his bike, a car came roaring more