Dana's church

Freedom Bible College & Seminary
Rogers, Arkansas unknown
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  • Ten Biblical Reasons For Suffering

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    Why do the righteous suffer? I have found ten reasons. (If you know of any others revealed in scripture, contact me --

    INTRODUCTION. A. The problem of suffering. B. Job’s plight. C. God is not guilty. 1. Satan = cause for suffering. 2. Law of sin = cause for suffering. D. Suffering is not God’s perfect will. E. Because of our flesh natures, suffering more

  • How To Let Your Light Shine

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2001
    based on 89 ratings

    Letting your light shine.

    INTRODUCTION. A. Matthew 5:16 tells us that we, as Christians, are to let our lights shine before men. B. Mankind is under condemnation. They would rather remain in darkness than come into the light of Christ, because their deeds are evil (John 3:19). C. But Christ is the "light of the more

  • The Christian As Nazarite

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 89 ratings

    A message on the relation of the Nazarite to the life of the New Testament believer.

    Please accept my apologies, but I feel I must delete this message. God bless, Dr. Dana more

  • Women Teachers : Are They Ordained?

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 299 ratings

    Scripture grants much more freedom to women than the historical church allowed them to have, but does that freedom include the permission to teach men?

    (The views expressed in this teaching are not necessarily those of Freedom Bible College, Concepts of Freedom Ministries, or any affiliations, ministers, faculty, or staff thereof.) INTRODUCTION. A. I ask your forgiveness in advance as this message is going to seem harsh at some points. more

  • How To Let Your Light Shine

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 101 ratings

    Lettin’ it shine.....

    INTRODUCTION. A. Matthew 5:16 tells us that we, as Christians, are to let our lights shine before men. B. Mankind is under condemnation. They would rather remain in darkness than come into the light of Christ, because their deeds are evil (John 3:19). C. But Christ is the more