D Worth's church

Granada Church
Coral Gables, Florida 33134

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Newest Sermons

  • Narnia: Into The Wardrobe

    Contributed on Dec 1, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    This is an Advent Sermon on Narnia for the 1st week of Advent.

    Into the Wardrobe Luke 2:25-32 Outline The feeling that most characterizes American life is boredom. Regaining our lost sense of wonder. 1. The first requirement is to: Stop. Look. Listen. Stop. In our hurry we miss the wonder God has for us. Look. Those who can truly see can more

  • Donkey Ride

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on a Donkey? Palm Sunday Message

    Donkey Ride Matthew 21:1-11 Outline Introduction: When the king shows up. Why did Jesus enter on a Donkey? 1. To Teach us about His Kingdom What is it like? Not of this world. Not built on power and might. But, 2. To Reveal His Inner Spirit. He comes to Us Gentle. more

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