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  • 5 Points Concerning Prayer Every Christian Should Hear

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Feb 20, 2020

    A Pew Research Center study reveals the number of people praying daily is decreasing. This is especially true in younger generations. Here are 5 points concerning prayer every Christian should remember and pass on to the next generation of believers.

    You can find a free downloadable discussion guide to go with this sermon at Read Luke 11:1-13 Introduction A young boy asked his parents for a baby brother, and seeing a perfect opportunity to teach their son a valuable lesson on prayer, the parents said, more

  • 2 More Lessons From The Magi Series

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Dec 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Brief but powerful in the Christmas account, the Magi give us some essential take-aways. Here are two more to go with seeking the Lord in 4 Questions Inspired by the Magi.

    Part 2: Share and Sense Matthew 2:1-12 concentrating on 2:11-12 Introduction We discussed last week the Magi have a brief appearance in Matthew’s Gospel, yet they leave us with some essential take-aways. We looked at the first take-away last week; the fact we need to seek the Lord. Our life should more

  • 4 Questions Inspired By The Magi Series

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Dec 27, 2019

    The Magi are brief on the Christmas scene, but they give us some essential take-aways. They inspire 4 questions within every seeker of Christ.

    Matthew 2:1-12 Introduction to Series A father was sitting in his office on a Saturday morning reading through the newspaper and becoming agitated by the advertisements jumping off the page at him reminding him Christmas was just four days away. All the ads were prompting the same questions. Do you more

  • 3 Keys For Overcoming Doubt

    Contributed by Chris Miller on May 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Many Christians experience seasons of doubt, and Scripture offers three keys to conquer doubts.

    Read Matthew 11:1-15. Also see Luke 7:18-22 Introduction One of the world’s most loved comic strips is Hagar the Horrible. In one strip, we see Hagar kneeling in prayer, “It is not easy to believe in you God. We never see you. How come you never show yourself?” Next we see: • A flower springing more

  • Attitude Check: 2 Challenges To Your Attitude

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Apr 10, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Attitude is a major influencer, and Paul issues two challenges to our attitude.

    Read Phillippians 4:6-9. Introduction A family who had twin boys wanted to teach them a lesson about attitude. They took each boy and placed him in a room by himself. The room was full of horse manure. They told the boys they had to stay in their rooms for an hour, then they would come get more

  • 3 Common Excuses For Ignoring God's Calling

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Mar 26, 2019

    God may be calling you. Are you being obedient or making excuses? Here are 3 common excuses used by Christians.

    A small boy was eating pancakes and while no one was in the kitchen, he helped himself to some more topping. He used about half a bottle on one pancake and you can imagine the mess it made. His grandma returned to the kitchen to find the sticky aftermath. “Johnny,” she asked, “why did you use more

  • A Once In History Life

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Mar 26, 2019

    Though everyone is unique, everyone shares a commonality with Moses. What do we have in common?

    We’ve all seen coffee cup phrases. The encouraging words that are just right to place on a coffee cup and present to someone as an encouraging gift. Most gift shops stock these cups and they make great gifts for a person who just needs a little encouragement. The phrases usually originate from more

  • 5 Reasons Jesus Chose Fishermen

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Feb 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    There are a few reasons 7 of the 12 first disciples were fishermen. They were not chosen by accident. They possess skills every Christian should strive to possess.

    The Bible tells us 7 of the first 12 disciples were fishermen by trade. It is no accident Jesus chose these individuals to be his first disciples. As fishermen, these guys possessed characteristics every Christian should have. Here are 5 reasons Jesus chose fishermen. 1. Fishermen know how to more

  • Q: Who Is Jesus? A: God With Me Saving Me Series

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Jan 7, 2019

    Christmas is the miracle of God being with me to save me.

    Read Matthew 1:18-25 Introduction Have you ever witnessed a miracle? What was it? The miracle I witnessed started on a Saturday afternoon. One of my family members had a blood vessel that started to bleed, leaving pools of blood on his brain. Arriving at the local hospital, he was transferred more

  • Hail That Will Get Your Attention Series

    Contributed by Chris Miller on Mar 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible talks about three types of listeners: active, passive, and forgetful. Only one leads to blessing and life, so it is imperative it is the type of listening we do.

    Introduction There is a Peanuts comic strip where Peppermint Patty and her friend are walking to school. Peppermint Patty says, “I think I’m going to ask to be Mary in the Christmas pageant.” Her friend replies, “The teacher already asked me.” Patty says, “I think I’m going to ask today.” “She more