  • Chris Bartholomew

    Contributing sermons since Apr 22, 2015
Chris's church

Strafford Church of the Nazarene

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  • Rebuilding The Walls (Extended Edition)

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2022

    Find your place in rebuilding the broken walls around you.

    This is a reworked version of Johnny Chase: Rebuilding the Walls. The original is great, but I needed more length and a more direct application. Thanks, Johnny for the inspiration. Rebuilding the Walls (Extended edition) Nehemiah 1:1-6:15 Summary: Working together to build the Kingdom of God more

  • Flexibility - A Crazy Idea

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2020

    From Gideon we learn four steps to being flexible enough for God to use us in His Kingdom.

    Flexibility - A Crazy Idea Judges 6-7 We are in the second half of a series called “Heroes of Hope.” It is a 5 week series that looks at some Heroes from scripture that had a huge faith in God. We started by looking at the story of Moses and the Israelites departure from Egypt. We discovered that more