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  • I Am Coming! I Am Coming Quickly!

    Contributed by Chaz Brown on Dec 18, 2000
    based on 24 ratings

    I am coming quickly says the Lord, no one knows the hour, nor the day, not even the angels nor the son of God. Only the Father knows.

    I am coming! I am coming quickly! By Rev. Chad M. Brown Matthew 24:36 (NIV) No one knows the hour, not even the day, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son of God, but only the father knows. This may sound like I am off subject. But can you think of a time when you rebuked your more

  • Come Home To The Flock Series

    Contributed by Chaz Brown on Dec 11, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    Why do we stray away from God’s love. Can we Come home?

    Come on back to the flock! By Rev. Chaz M. Brown I am working in a local convenience store at nights for a well-known company. I see hundreds of people. I can see in many of them their eyes, and faces. I can see their pain and their suffering without their saying so. One man in particular I see more

  • Someone Forgot To Call God Again

    Contributed by Chaz Brown on Dec 3, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    Why do we always seem to forget to call God all the time, unless we are in trouble?

    Someone forgot to Call God Again. By Rev. Chaz M. Brown Why is it that we always forget to call God unless we are in trouble? We always forget to call God until there is an accident. We always forget to call God until there is a fire taking someone’s home. WE always forget to call God until more