Bryn's church


About Bryn
  • Education: B.A. University of Western Ontario; Master of Theological Studies - Tyndale Seminary; Master of Divinity - University of Toronto (Knox College)
  • Experience: Minister (solo): St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church--Beeton, ON; Fraser Presbyterian Church--Tottenham, ON; Interim Moderator: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church--Maple, ON
  • Family: wife, Allison
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Preach God’s Word, not your word."
  • Books that have had an impact: Institutes of the Christian Religion (John Calvin), The Reformed Pastor (Richard Baxter), The Sovereignty of God (A.W. Pink), Desiring God (John Piper), The Holiness of God (R.C. Sproul)
  • Hobbies: Playing hockey, baseball, and golf.
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Newest Sermons

  • Sharing What You Enjoy

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2000
    based on 69 ratings

    Evangelism is the inevitable fruit of true worship.

    Sharing What You Enjoy Psalm 9:1-11 I enjoy listening to people's stories. And as a pastor, I get to hear a lot of stories. What I have learned is that people love to talk about who or what they enjoy. Near the top of the list are stories about the successes of children and grandchildren. I more

  • Firmly Planted

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2000
    based on 127 ratings

    There is a fullness of joy available for those who delight in God's Word.

    Firmly Planted Psalm 1 Why the Psalms? Why should we study the Psalms? The reason I think we should study the Psalms comes from our New Testament reading: Revelation, chapter 2, verses 2 through 5. In Revelation 2, Jesus is giving a message to the church at Ephesus. Jesus begins with some more

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