Bryan Lassiter
Contributing sermons since Jun 26, 2017
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Ligaments Of The Church
Contributed on Jan 27, 2022
with a worldwide Pandemic plaguing us for the past two years, our culture suffers from profound loneliness, but God calls us into a church family of rich relationships.
Ligaments of the Church Ephesians 4:12-16 Have you ever thought much about ligaments? You know what I am talking about, right? Ligaments. …the things that hold our skeletal system together. Ligaments are the super strong fibrous connectors that hold our bones together. They are different from ...read more
From This Day Forward
Contributed on Dec 9, 2021
An evangelical Advent/Christmas message that challenges us to draw near to God during this season.
From This Day Forward! Isaiah 35:1-10 Christmas is absolutely the best time in all the year! And it’s been the top of the charts now for over 2000 years. Forget about the commercial frenzy – that’s not really Christmas, even though we get caught up in the whole scene anyway. CHRISTMAS IS ...read more
Jesus In The House!
Contributed on Jan 29, 2021
1) Jesus regularly gathers with the faithful. 2) Whenever Jesus is present, new and exciting things are in store. 3) In this first public appearance of Jesus, He is presented as healer.
Jesus in the House! Mark 1:21-28 Three things – 1) Jesus regularly gathers with the faithful on the Sabbath. 2) Whenever Jesus is present, new and exciting things are in store. 3) In this first public appearance of Jesus in Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is presented as healer. 1) Jesus regularly ...read more
Outward -Vs- Inward
Contributed on Jan 22, 2021
A relationship with God through Jesus Christ leads us to become outward focused people ...and churches.
Outward -vs- inward Isaiah 6:1-10 I think it is important …for us to look at the majestic word pictures the prophet Isaiah gives us in his writing. I think it is necessary for us to be reminded from time to time that we worship the God …who is high and lifted up. …the God who is Holy Holy Holy! ...read more
Taking Up The Mantle
Contributed on Dec 4, 2020
Advent 2, 2020 We are challenged by Mark's gospel to take up the mantle of Isaiah - just like John the Baptist
Taking up the Mantle Mark 1:1-8 Matthew has a Christmas story in which Joseph is prominent. Luke has a Christmas story. Even John has a Christmas story from a cosmic perspective where the Word became flesh. But is there a Christmas story in Mark? Let us see. From first appearances, it kinda ...read more