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  • Father's Day - Phases Of Fatherhood

    Contributed by Bruce Johnson on Jun 17, 2023

    Having three adult children allows me to reflect over the past 25 years and observe the different phases of being a Dad. I hope these observations with establish Godly expectations for younger Dads and help them on their journey through fatherhood.

    Phases of Fatherhood The foundation of Fatherhood: GENESIS 2:15-24 (NIV) 5 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of more

  • Mirror Of Mary

    Contributed by Bruce Johnson on May 20, 2023

    Many times Moms compare themselves to Mary the Mother of Jesus. It is an altruistic standard that they should not be in bondage to.

    Mirror Of Mary 1- Manifester of Magnificence (the unattainable standard) a. the piece d’ résistance b. the model of motherhood c. not every mom is everything all the time e. every mom touches greatness and failure in their lifetime 2- Marathoner of Matrimony a. Marriage is the start of a more