Brent's church

Spencer Christian Church
Fisherville, Kentucky 40023

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  • The Art Of Delegation

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2005
    based on 37 ratings

    Delegation is a wonderful thing and as we continue to grow, delegation is going to be a necessity. through the story of Moses we can see just how important it really is.

    Date Preached _________ Where Preached _________ Moses the Prince of Leadership The Art of Delegation Exodus 18:13-24 Lisa’s Brother Greg and his wife Tammie have 6 children and one on the way or is it 7 children and one on the way. I don’t remember. But I have to stop and wonder how more

  • Leadership Trails

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    There are no leaders who haven’t experienced somekind of trail. This sermon shows us how Moses overcame those trials.

    Just a few weeks ago we saw John Roberts sworn in as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. We watched as he was grilled over and over about his stance on certain issues. And now sometime in the near future we will see Harriet Miers going through the same things. But I doubt if either one of them more

  • Moses The Vision Caster

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    I believe leaders sometime have a hard time casting a vision to their congregation. We are not alone in this. Moses did as well, but he teaches us some important lessons in vision casting.

    Moses the Prince of Leadership The Vision Caster! Exodus 3-6 Helen Keller was once asked the question: “Is there anything worse than being blind?” “Yes," she replied, having eyesight but no vision.” Vision is the ability to see what others can’t. Vision is able to see beyond the norms of more

  • The Call To Leadership

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 51 ratings

    The one ingredient necessary for success in any organization is leadership. through the story of Moses we find some valuable information concerning leadership.

    Moses the Prince of Leadership The Call to Leadership Exodus 3:1-14 Today we are going to start a sermon series on Moses, and talking about his leadership. Over the next four weeks we will be talking about His Call to Leadership, Moses the Vision Caster, The trials he had during his more

  • Why Do We Have An Invitation Each Week?

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    We offer invitations each week, but does the congregation know why we do that. This sermon will help in this area.

    Why Do We Do What We Do? Why Do We Have an Invitation Each Week? Prior to Lisa and I getting married (and most of you did this as well), we invited as many people as we could to our wedding. We obviously wanted our physical families to be there and to share this special moment. We wanted more

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  • I Hope That They Are Praying As Well Just As Two ...

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    I hope that they are praying as well just as two men did on September 11, 2001. I read this story in this week’s lookout. Two men were on the 81st floor of tower #2 of the World Trade Center, desperately trying to avoid the fate that was claiming so many that day. Stanley Praimnath, an more

  • In His Book, The One-Minute Manager, Kenneth ...

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    In his book, The One-Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard recommends developing the practice of "one-minute praising," where the manager (or parent, spouse, etc.) tries to "catch someone doing something right" and then spend a full sixty seconds praising that person for the good deed. This is a lot more