Bradley White-Findeisen
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Getting Creative With God
Contributed on Feb 7, 2001
God continues his creativity through us.
GETTING CREATIVE WITH GOD If one were to ask an unbiased observer to name that institution in our society which clearly espouses creativity, we can be sure that he would not name our twentieth-century church. This is an indictment of how we Christians feel about the mandate God has given us for ...read more
God: You Gotta Love Him
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
I’m a Boomer.
I’m a Boomer. No, I’m not talking about my preaching style. I’m talking about the generation in which I was born and raised. I grew up during a time of social upheaval when demonstrations in the streets were commonplace. It was the age of the bumper sticker. One bumper sticker that was popular in ...read more
Country Club Christianity
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
My maternal grandparents were raised on dirt farms in Oklahoma.
My maternal grandparents were raised on dirt farms in Oklahoma. The dust bowl and the depression contributed to their being so impoverished that they had to send my mother, who was disabled, to a spinster aunt who lived in Enid and could more easily afford to care for her. Their fortunes changed ...read more
Doing God's Work For Him
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
When I was 11 years old, my younger brother was killed in an accident.
When I was 11 years old, my younger brother was killed in an accident. In the ensuing days people tried to comfort our family in the best way they knew how. You know how it is. You feel the need to comfort a grieving person so you say something like, "He’s in a better place," or "God needed him in ...read more
Buddy Check
Contributed on Oct 18, 2000
The church is a lot like a school School Church students laity faculty ministers Or, maybe the church is more like a corporation Corporation Church articles of incorporation constitution boards deacons shareholders meetings & conventions business meetings & conventions mergers ecumenis
The church is a lot like a school School Church students laity faculty ministers Or, maybe the church is more like a corporation Corporation Church articles of incorporation constitution boards deacons shareholders meetings & conventions business meetings & conventions mergers ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
A Man And A Woman In Love Long For A Union, The ...
Contributed on Feb 7, 2001
A man and a woman in love long for a union, the natural result of which is offspring that are neither entirely the man’s, nor the woman’s, but bear the unmistakable marks of both. That union, Scripture boldly declares, has a spiritual parallel (Ephesians 5:31-32). Though this initially shocks our ...read more
A Musician And An Instrument Unite To Produce ...
Contributed on Feb 7, 2001
A musician and an instrument unite to produce sounds which neither would produce without the other. We are living instruments fashioned by the divine Instrument Maker with greater sophistication than any man-made instrument, having our own creativity. Like an instrument maker with his cherished ...read more
The Further One Goes From The Source The More ...
Contributed on Feb 7, 2001
The further one goes from the source the more ...read more