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  • Trust In The Lord

    Contributed by Benny Paul on Jan 16, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Trust is Faith in ACTION!!! It is the manifestation of our faith in our thoughts and actions. It is far easier to have faith in God; there are unbelievers who have this. It is a lot harder to exercise trust in Him...

    Trust in the Lord Proverbs 3:5-6 Faith vs. Trust: Is faith the same thing as trust? If not, what is the difference? Faith is a noun: It is something we HAVE... (Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."). but faith is not trust... Trust is more

  • Year End Review 2024

    Contributed by Benny Paul on Jan 16, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Normally at the end of the year we have year-end appraisals at our work places - where our performance will be reviewed. Let us take a similar approach as we come to the end of another year - as a church & individually - to examine where we stand...

    Year End Review 2024 Normally at the end of the year we have year-end appraisals at our work places - where our performance will be reviewed for the whole year. Our contribution, productivity, performance, involvement etc… will be reviewed – like wise specific smart objectives will be given for more

  • Year Of The Lord's Anointing

    Contributed by Benny Paul on Jan 8, 2016
    based on 9 ratings

    Let us prepare ourselves for a wonderful and an anointed year ahead!!!

    Introduction: God has anointed you so that you may be equipped for every good work: to resist evil, to know the truth, to preach the Word, to be able to pray, to have fellowship with God… You are anointed of God: Have you ever considered yourself to be an anointed Christian? Maybe you've thought more

  • Deliverance: The Combined Effect Of Prayer And Praise

    Contributed by Benny Paul on Oct 2, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    This message deals with the importance of Prayer and Praise and the result it produces - Deliverance!!!

    Deliverance: The combined effect of Prayer and Praise Acts 16:16-34 I have never come across someone who does not have problems or who has never hit a low point in their life. No matter what difficult situation/mess you are stuck in or experiencing the lowest chapter in your life, if you have the more