  • Benjamin Karner

    Contributing sermons since Jan 23, 2008
Benjamin's church

United States
Clayton, North Carolina 27520

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  • 40 Men Die For Christ

    Contributed on Sep 18, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    40 MEN DIE FOR CHRIST One such story took place in 328 B.C. in a city high in the icy mountains of Armenia. It was a bitterly cold winter and in the middle of that winter an order came from the Roman emperor that every man, woman, and child under the rule of his empire must bow down more

  • In Order To Combat Software Piracy, Microsoft ...

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2008

    In order to combat software piracy, Microsoft developed a validation system. When you try to download updates or add-ons from their website, a pop-up box asks you to install a piece of software that validates the software that you have on your computer as a “genuine Microsoft product.” If you have more

  • When I Think Of The Idea Of Antichrist, I Think ...

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    When I think of the idea of antichrist, I think of the Pillsbury Doughboy, no not really, I think of Judas. Judas was named as one of Jesus’ disciples, but yet he was really never one of them because he did not stay true to Jesus’ teachings. There is one occasion recorded in John 12 where Jesus more