Arthur's church

Church of the Heartland
Logansport, Indiana 46947

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  • What Is True Revival

    Contributed on Aug 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Finding out what true Revival is and what it is not.

    What Is True Revival I come before you today with a heavy heart. I am going to talk about what a true revival is and what a true revival isn’t. I believe that a spirit of deception has been released upon the body of Christ and it has kept us from a move of God that will bring true revival to more

  • Ken Davis's Funeral Service

    Contributed on Aug 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is a funeral service.

    Ken Davis’s Funeral Service Play I can Only Imagine just before I speak. My relationship with Ken started when Ken and Wanda started coming to our church. From the very beginning I could see Ken had a love for children. When a need arose in the children ministry he would help in some way more