  • Anoop Samuel

    Contributing sermons since Oct 20, 2006
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Washington Indian Pentacostal Church
Clarksville, Maryland 21029

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  • Spiritual Leaks

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    A spiritual leak is a term that describes the loss of spiritual vitality and connection with God that can occur when we blame Him for our problems. It is like a hole in our spiritual armor that allows the enemy to infiltrate and attack us.

    Spiritual Leaks The Lord said to Job, “Do you still want to argue with the almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Job 40:1-2 Ever had a leaky faucet? If so, you may be aware that ignoring even a small leak can prove costly. When it comes to experiencing God’s peace, there’s more

  • Do You Wonder If God Approves Of You?

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Do you care about God's approval? Imagine a form that you have to fill out to get approval from God. What will that form be? What should be the information in that form to get the approval?

    Do you care about God's approval? Do you wonder if God is pleased with your Christian life? How can you make sure that God approves of your life that he gave you? For approval, there has to be law/rules, approver and someone who needs approval. Imagine a form that you have to fill out to get more

  • Look At The Savior's Hands

    Contributed on Apr 8, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated as Easter around the world. The hands of Jesus Christ was pierced to the Cross. Let us look at the hands of Jesus Christ and see what actions came out of it.

    Look at The Savior’s Hands Introduction The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated as Easter around the world. The hands of Jesus Christ was pierced to the Cross. The actions of a person’s hand is symbolic of what he wants to accomplish. When the work of the hands of more

  • Good, Love And Purpose

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Christians sometimes feel dejected and hopeless about what is ahead of them in this world. How are you sure that you are called according to his purpose? How do you know that you love God?

    Christians sometimes feel dejected and hopeless about what is ahead of them in this world. But Romans 8:28 says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose”. How are you sure that you are called more

  • He Has Done Everything Well

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Human beings are usually evaluated on the work that they have performed. Performance evaluation is the staple of modern workplace. In Mark 7:37 we read “He has done everything well”, they said. What has Jesus done well? Let us find out.

    Human beings are usually evaluated on the work that they have performed. Performance evaluation is the staple of modern workplace. In Mark 7:37 we read “People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well”, they said. What has Jesus done very well? If we look more