Andrew Street
Contributing sermons since Sep 12, 2007
Newest Sermons
Why This Waste?
Contributed on Mar 9, 2008
The Lavish Love of a Devoted Disciples - Total commitment.
“Why This Waste?” The Lavish Love of a Devoted Disciple Matthew 26:6-13 Mark 14:3-9 John 12:1-8 “Why this waste?” I have often – practically every time I have read this story – recoiled with the disciples! 300 denarii! Mark indicates that she could have sold it for even more than ...read more
Hosea's Marriage
Contributed on Sep 12, 2007
How are husbands to love their wive? The way Christ loves His Church. How does God love His people? The way Hosea loved Gomer.
Renewing Your Marriage Behold the Harvest! Men, listen up! Valentine’s Day is Wednesday! If you have a sweetheart, I’m giving you a 72-hour warning to get your act together! Our theme for this year of Bible Methodism is to “Behold the Harvest” with an emphasis on the family. This quarter, ...read more
Entire Sanctification
Contributed on Sep 12, 2007
God is faithfully committed to your entire sanctification!
Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (In context of parable of the sower from Luke 8.) Attention: What kind of seed are you? In the parable we read, we found 4 kinds of seed: (1) the seed that fell on the wayside, (2) the seed that fell on rocky ground, (3) the seed that fell among thorns and (4) the ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Life Of Christ - 8
Contributed on Mar 9, 2008
Contributed on Sep 12, 2007