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  • Duties Of The Church Toward The Pastor

    Contributed by Andres C. Guevara Jr. on Oct 18, 2013

    The great responsibilities of the church toward their Pastor

    DUTIES OF THE CHURCH TOWARD THE PASTOR I TIMOTHY 5:17-19 September 2, 2007, SUN a.m. Sometimes people has no knowledge and understanding of the fact that the church has a great responsibilities to the pastor since they thought that the pastor is God’s servants, only hired just to take care more

  • Doers Not Hearers Only

    Contributed by Andres C. Guevara Jr. on Sep 30, 2013

    The Doers of the Word were blessed and the Hearers only were deceived.

    DOERS NOT HEARERS ONLY James 1:19-25 October 18, 2009 - Sunday. p.m. I- THE VIOLATION A. Hurting Yourself—v.22 “deceiving your own selves” Deceiving is a great illness both mentally & spiritually. By not doing what you heard is doing things that can hurt yourself. B. Hiding more

  • Church Membership

    Contributed by Andres C. Guevara Jr. on Sep 30, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The Biblical church membership.

    CHURCH MEMBERSHIP Acts 2: 41-42 November 25, 2007 SUN p.m. As we look back to the beginning of the New Testament Church we find that after Peter’s sermon at Pentecost about 3,000 were added to the disciples, of whom there were about 120. They that gladly received his word were baptized." more

  • The Converted Life

    Contributed by Andres C. Guevara Jr. on Sep 28, 2013

    Let us take a look the genuine conversion of the Believers.

    THE CONVERTED LIFE Acts 9:1-30 July 12, 2009 Sun a.m. Introduction: Here we see the life of Saul as a reflection of a natural man without a Savior (v.5), a life without love for the brethren (v.1-2; 1 John 3:10), and a life that is not right with God (v.4-5). Now, when Saul encountered the Lord more