  • Aaron Kesson

    Contributing sermons since Jul 22, 2008
Aaron's church

Emmanuel UMC
Blissfield, Michigan 49228

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  • Ambassadors Of The Kingdom

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2009

    All Christians are called to be ministers of the Kingdom. We are all Christ’s ambassadors to the world.

    Ambassadors of the Kingdom Mark 1:29–39, 1 Cor 9:16–23 Introduction:From an article found in the Wall Street Journal: Boddy Dodd, Georgia Tech’s athletic director, tells of the coach who, with his team leading 7 to 6 in the last minute of play, carefully instructed his quarterback not more

  • Reality Christianity Sermon 1 - Love

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon series outlining the fruit of the Spirit, connecting with current and past reality television shows.

    Reality Christianity Sermon Series Sermon #1 - Love Pastor Aaron Kesson July 6, 2008 Emmanuel United Methodist Church ● American’s are obsessed with reality tv ○ A recent search on Google for “reality television” resulted in 12,500,000 hits. ○ A growing trend in the more

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