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In Video Illustrations: "satan"

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  • Hook, Line And Sinker

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals
    based on 13 ratings

    Fishing has a pretty simple approach. Select your bait, perfect the presentation and land the big one. This is the same approach used by Satan in trying to ruin the lives of people. He is crafty and uses a bait that is attractive to us, whether it is money, popularity, sexuality or power. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.

  • Setting The Stage For A Coming Messiah

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Coldwater Media
    based on 9 ratings

    This clip, from Drive Thru History with Dave Stotts "The Gospels" examines why it is important to understand the history of the Israelite beliefs and the history of the Jewish religious culture that Jesus was born into. The Torah begins with the story of Adam and Eve and the resulting separation of God and man. It was in this story that the Israelites got their first hint of a coming messiah.

  • Risen: Mini-Movie

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    The death of Jesus seemed to be the end of the road for the people of God. But, Jesus did not stay dead. Three days later a miracle happened as he was raised from the grave. Satan’s plans to separate us from God for all eternity were defeated because Jesus had risen! Use this mini-movie as a Sermon Bumper, Trailer, or as a transitional element in your Easter Worship Experience.

  • Hook, Line And Sinker

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals
    based on 6 ratings

    Fishing has a pretty simple approach. Select your bait, perfect the presentation and land the big one. This is the same approach used by Satan in trying to ruin the lives of people. He is crafty and uses a bait that is attractive to us, whether it is money, popularity, sexuality or power. Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services.

  • The Lion And The Lamb: Mini-Movie

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals
    based on 1 rating

    This Mini-Movie explores the contrasting yet complementary titles given to Jesus in the Bible: the Lion and the Lamb. It highlights how Jesus embodies both the strength of a lion, conquering sin and defeating Satan, as well as the humility of a lamb, taking on the sins of humanity and showing compassion. Jesus is portrayed as the protector and forgiver who offers both strength and mercy to those who follow him.

  • All In

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Pixel Preacher
    based on 63 ratings

    One of the most difficult struggles as a believer is to give yourself over to God’s will 100%. We are surrounded by the things of this world telling us that we must indulge in order for us to truly enjoy living. Much like Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, we have to consistently battle with our sin nature so that we don’t turn our backs on God. How do we do that? Jesus said that he has come so that we may have life and have it to the fullest. Are we going to lay down our struggles, our past, our shortcomings—and trust God with everything we got? Are we all in?