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In Video Illustrations: "interaction"

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  • Sit Down If - Spring Edition: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Get ready to play SIT DOWN IF - Spring Edition as things begin to warm up and the snow melts, we know that spring is right around the corner. It's time to get back outside and enjoy the sun. Let's see how much spring fun you have had in the past. We are going to show you different springtime fun and if you have done them, sit down. The last one standing wins. We have also included a PowerPoint and ProPresenter show file to help you execute this game in any environment.

  • Shuffle - Volume One: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    It's time to play Shuffle. Watch the blue ball as it shuffles under the cups. When the cups stop moving, try and guess where the ball is. If you guess correctly, you keep playing, but if you guess wrong you are out! We have included 4 rounds for you to enjoy playing with your kids!

  • #squadgoals: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Good friends are worth their weight in gold. When you find one, hang on to them. In this game, each slide will have two choices of activities for you and your squad to take part in. You choose which one you would prefer. Go to the right side if you would choose the right option and to the left for the left option.

  • Mother's Day Kids Trivia: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Happy Mother’s Day! See if you know the answers to these fun facts about your mom. Use this fun game to connect your kids with Mother's Day and celebrate the special mothers in our lives.

  • Guess The Mess: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    It's time to play Guess the Mess! On-screen you will see mysterious messes and your job is to guess what was smashed. Shout out your answer as it could be anything. Enjoy playing Guess the mess this week with your students. Play this game with a large or small group with little preparation. Your group will love the interaction as everyone gets to play

  • Finish The Movie Quote: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    How well do you know your favorite movies? In this game, you will try and finish the movie quote. You will be given the beginning of a well known quote. At the end of the provided words, say the rest out loud if you know it. See if you can guess all 8 correctly. Let's see who spends a lot of time at the movies!

  • Animal Battles: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    "Victor: Animal Battles” is an interactive game where your students will predict the outcome of one-on-one animal matchups by standing up or sitting down. From Saltwater Crocodile vs. Great White Shark to Elephant vs. Rhinoceros, players engage in thrilling battles to determine the ultimate victor.

  • The Struggle Is Real: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    In this game, your students vote on relatable struggles by making noise for their chosen option. From common annoyances like slow WiFi or mismatched socks to more humorous dilemmas like an empty toilet paper roll or melting ice cream cone, the game humorously navigates through everyday challenges, culminating in a lighthearted exploration of what people find most frustrating.

  • Pocket Scavenger Hunt: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Get students on their feet and scouring their pockets with the fast-paced "Pocket Scavenger Hunt" video game, challenging opposing teams to quickly present random items announced on screen. This interactive experience promotes friendly competition, teamwork, and resourcefulness as players race against the clock to find everything from dollar bills to childhood photos hidden in their belongings.

  • Twisted: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    When our reality gets distorted, it can be hard to know what is true. Test your ability to know what is real by deciphering these twisted images. They might be hard to identify so do your best and shout it out as soon as you know! Are you ready? Enjoy playing Twisted with your students at your next gathering!

  • Dateable: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Everyone wants to find someone who is dateable. Everyone wants to be someone who is dateable. Neither is easy. This game, Dateable, should help you prepare. The rules are simple, there will be two funny pick-up lines on the screen. You pick your favorite and move to that side of the room. Pay close attention though maybe one of these lines will help you be dateable too. Are you ready?

  • Pick A Fave: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Get kids excited and engaged with the interactive "Pick-a-Fave" game, challenging them to choose between fun activities while learning to approach all aspects of life as an act of worship. This entertaining game reinforces the biblical truth that whatever they do, they can do it wholeheartedly for the Lord.

  • Raging Rapids: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Embark on an exciting river adventure with "Raging Rapids," an interactive game that challenges kids to navigate through treacherous waters by following commands and working together as a team. Get ready to paddle, duck, and shout your way through obstacles like rocks, rapids, and surprise animal encounters.

  • Twisted: Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Use this Game for your next Student Ministry worship service in tandem with our Series Media Twisted. It is difficult today to know what is true. The Evil One is crafty and sly. He takes what God has said and twists it just enough that we are fooled into believing a lie. Do not be fooled.

  • Skip A Beat Game

    Video Illustration
    Produced by Church Visuals

    Get your students moving with Skip A Beat, an energetic preference game that reveals what makes their hearts race as they physically choose between two compelling options each round. This interactive experience creates memorable moments of connection as players discover their group's favorite things, from seasonal preferences to snack choices, through an engaging series of fun-filled decisions.

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