Tehillim 148
11 Praise Hashem. Praise Hashem from HaShomayim: praise Him in the heights above.
2Praise ye Him, all His malachim: praise ye Him, all Tzivos Hashem.
3Praise ye Him, shemesh and yarei'ach: praise Him, all ye kokhavim of ohr.
4Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above HaShomayim.
5Let them praise the Shem of Hashem: for He commanded, and they were created.
6He hath also established them forever and ever: He hath made a Chok (decree) which shall not pass away.
7Hallelu Hashem from ha'aretz, ye sea creatures, and all tehomot:
8Eish, and barad; snow, and cloud; stormy wind fulfilling His Devar:
9Mountains, and all hills; etz pri (fruitful trees), and all cedars:
10Beasts, and all cattle; remesh (creeping things), and flying fowl:
11Malchei eretz, and all people; sarim (princes), and all shoftei aretz:
12Both bochurim, and betulot; zekenim, and ne'arim:
13Let them praise the Shem of Hashem: for Shmo alone is excellent; His hod is above Eretz and Shomayim.
14He also exalteth the keren of His people, tehillah (the praise) of all His Chasidim; even of the Bnei Yisroel, an Am (people) close unto Him. Hallelu Hashem. Praise Hashem.