By Carey Nieuwhof on Nov 7, 2023
based on 2 ratings
Ever think that growth will solve all your problems?
By Brandon Kelley on Sep 10, 2022
based on 2 ratings
Dave Stone’s 8 Principles to Great Preaching
By Lance Witt on Jun 22, 2023
based on 3 ratings
Image management. There’s nothing particularly wrong with those two words, but when you put them together and give them to a ministry leader, it is a deadly cocktail. Image management is what we begin to do when our inner world becomes separated from our outer world.
By Charles Stone on May 28, 2024
based on 2 ratings
"Unless you stay at the same church your entire life, you will leave one ministry or church and go to another, perhaps several times. I’ve learned that leaving is more of an art and is often difficult. Here are 7 insights I’ve learned that have helped me make a graceful exit."
By Lance Witt on Jul 26, 2023
based on 3 ratings
The truth is those of us in ministry often don’t do the friendship thing very well. One survey among pastors found that 70 percent do not have a close friend, confidant, or mentor. Henri Nouwen wrote, “Most Christian leadership is exercised by people who do not know how to develop healthy, intimate relationships.” What an indictment.
By Ed Stetzer on Apr 15, 2024
based on 6 ratings
I have worked for a long time to help pastors with growth barriers in their church. They can be anything from worship issues to strategy to theology and more. So many barriers can get in the way of a church growing, but a central one isn’t found in the processes of the church.
There may be a number of reasons a ministry grows cold and a church slows down. But often, the heart of the problem is the heart of the pastor.
By Lance Witt on Jul 5, 2024
based on 3 ratings
"When your car is aligned, it runs more efficiently, creates less wear and tear, and operates more smoothly. The same is true in creating alignment and teamwork within our ministries. It takes intentionality; you never drift into alignment. People with skill know how to get down inside the organization and align its systems and structures to increase effectiveness, minimize wasted effort, and achieve greater health."
By Charles Stone on Sep 28, 2022
based on 1 rating
"Discouragement is a universal experience for ministry leaders and the word actually self-defines itself…dis-courage meaning no courage. Some of the Bible’s greatest characters faced it: Moses, David, Paul, Mary the mother of Jesus, and the apostles. Nehemiah, the great Old Testament leader faced it when he led the Jews to rebuild the wall. Yet, his response offers us hope when we face it."
By Lance Witt on Jun 26, 2023
based on 2 ratings
Culture is one of things that is hard to define but easy to feel. You certainly feel it when you visit a foreign country and you bump up against different customs and ways of doing things, but you also feel it when you enter a business or a church. There is a certain style or personality of an organization that is an expression of culture. I sometimes think of culture as the organization’s “way” of doing what they do. There is a Ritz Carlton “way” of doing customer service. There is a Starbucks “way” of doing business. There is a Crossroads Church “way” of doing ministry.