By SermonCentral .com on Jan 27, 2021
based on 2 ratings
I want as many people as possible, all over the world, to know Jesus.
The good news of the gospel can’t be confined within the walls of my church, the distinctives of my denomination, the borders of my country, or the customs of my culture.
By Michael Duduit on Apr 6, 2024
based on 3 ratings
Barna makes these observations: “Attracting churchless people to corporate faith usually requires more than a few incremental refinements in outreach strategy and tactics. This is about more than improved marketing and having greeters at the church’s front door."
By Max Lucado on Jul 27, 2024
based on 6 ratings
"I really believe the purpose of Scripture is to give us this authoritative handbook. We have a place where we can take people when they come to us with questions so we're not just speaking out of our own opinion."
By Jared Wilson on Jan 16, 2021
based on 1 rating
Every Christian must be a theologian. This is something I tell my church often. The looks I get from some surprised souls are the evidence that I have not yet adequately communicated that the purposeful theological study of God by lay people is important.
By SermonCentral .com on May 7, 2022
based on 4 ratings
Many of us today who think of ourselves squarely as your friends take exception to some of your views — some in greater measure than others — and I expect you, of all people, would be least surprised to hear of it and receive it.
By Dr. R. Kent Hughes on Jul 9, 2022
based on 3 ratings
Our ultimate trust is always in God's persevering grace, nevertheless, we are called to cultivate godly action in our lives. Here are 10 disciplines shared by a pastor with over 40 years of experience in faithfully serving the Lord and shepherding God's people.
By Carey Nieuwhof on Sep 8, 2023
based on 4 ratings
Obviously, some leaders have emotional or sexual affairs with people to whom they are not married. As heartbreaking, future-altering and faith-shattering as those affairs can be, there’s another kind of affair you’re actually far more likely to have.
By Charles Stone on Jun 18, 2024
based on 2 ratings
For pastors, Sunday can be the most draining day of the week. Intense people interaction, teaching or preaching, seeing our critics, trying to remember names, and attempting to put our own problems aside to listen to other peoples' problems add up to a stress-filled day. The very day we want to be at our best requires more from us than any other day. As a result, we can easily make one or more of the 5 biggest mistakes pastors make on Sundays. Evaluate this list to find out how many you make.
By John Powell on Jan 29, 2021
based on 1 rating
We are people of conviction and kindness. This means we cannot just preach anyone into heaven, because we haven’t been given the authority to do so. Also, we can’t condemn anyone because we don’t know their heart.
By Ron Forseth on Aug 10, 2023
based on 3 ratings
Preaching is an opportunity to creatively illustrate the urgency of the gospel and to challenge believers to watch for those people God brings into their lives to tell them about Christ—or at least to invite them to church to hear it where they know their pastor will consistently and clearly share the good news.
By Brian Croft on Sep 6, 2023
based on 7 ratings
You may call it something different, but every pastor knows about it. It is the mental, emotional, and spiritual crash that takes place the next day (Monday) as a result of pouring your heart and soul out in the proclamation of God’s word to God’s people the day before.
By Charles Stone on Dec 11, 2023
Discouragement comes with the territory for ministry leaders. Unmet goals, putting out fires, staff issues, displeasing people, and general tiredness all contribute to discouragement. When it weighs us down, how can we dig out? The life of the prophet Elijah gives us hope.