By Marshall Segal on Apr 14, 2021
based on 2 ratings
When was the last time someone told you you were wrong?
If you can’t remember, you may have reason to be concerned. Sometimes the most loving thing someone can do for us is point out an error or inconsistency in the way we think or live.
By Christina Fox on Jun 14, 2022
based on 5 ratings
A certain amount of self-evaluation can be good. We should have insight into ourselves, our motives, our choices, and our actions. But sometimes we can go too far. When self-evaluation ends with ourselves instead of pointing us beyond ourselves, there’s a problem.
By Carey Nieuwhof on Jan 13, 2021
based on 2 ratings
Preaching is one of the most demanding tasks required of communicators.
You’re not just giving a ‘talk,’ you’re communicating the Word of God—faithfully (you trust). And you do this in front of groups of people who have more communication options and sources than at any point in human history.
Not an easy task.
By Lance Witt on Jun 17, 2024
A couple of years ago I had the chance to sit down with a former staff member that had served on my team more than a decade ago. We really hadn’t kept in touch very much. At one point during our lunch the conversation turned more serious. And in a moment of candor he said to me “You know, you weren’t very easy to work for.” The truth is, he was right.