By Nathan Aaseng on Jul 25, 2019
A bold sermon is one in which a pastor proclaims a word of God that might anger, offend, or disconcert some of those who pay his salary.
By Lane Sebring on Jul 31, 2019
The best sermons are conversations, like you’re sitting at a table with with them and discussing a problem, a concern, a big thing God wants them to do.
By Skye Jethani on Jul 29, 2024
based on 17 ratings
Skye Jethani: "While a vision for serving God is needed, and the desperate condition of our world cannot be ignored, there is a higher calling that is going unanswered in many Christian communities."
By Mary C. Wiley on Jun 24, 2024
"We live in a microwave meals, listen-to-podcasts-in-double-time world. We want more with less; work smarter not harder. However, the move forward or get left behind mentality of today is not a good transferrable principle for discipleship. Mostly because discipleship is all about people, and people can’t be boiled down to a series of tasks. People are messy and their needs aren’t linear."
By Steve Sjogren on Apr 8, 2023
based on 2 ratings
Servant evangelism wins the heart before it confronts the mind. A small act of kindness nudges a person closer to God, often in a profound way, as it bypasses one's mental defenses.
By Tony Reinke on Jan 3, 2020
Desiring God's Tony Reinke was deeply impacted by this book as a man and a father. He shares some of its greatest insights; use them in your Father's Day message.