By Randy Alcorn on Dec 6, 2023
based on 1 rating
Many Christian men would agree that they’re experts in business, hunting, fishing, football, or cars. Sadly, however, even those who attend Bible-teaching churches may know very little about the Bible and theology. Why?
By Ron Forseth on Aug 10, 2023
based on 3 ratings
Preaching is an opportunity to creatively illustrate the urgency of the gospel and to challenge believers to watch for those people God brings into their lives to tell them about Christ—or at least to invite them to church to hear it where they know their pastor will consistently and clearly share the good news.
By Kent Woodyard on Dec 9, 2021
After spending the past three years working for an online and mobile giving provider, I am obviously a believer in the power of technology to increase giving to the Church. Through that time, however, I have also been confronted with the limitations of technology. Important? Certainly. Enough? Definitely not!
By Carey Nieuwhof on Apr 17, 2021
based on 2 ratings
Burnout is almost an epidemic among church leaders today, and it’s increasingly common among business leaders as well.
Even young leaders are burning out. No longer is burnout an “I’ve been at this too long” kind of phenomenon.
So what happens if you burnout?
By Lance Witt on Dec 28, 2023
based on 2 ratings
"It may be that the great sin of the church in our generation is the trivializing of God. The Jesus Christ, in whom the fullness of deity dwells, is not to be boxed in, airbrushed, made over, tamed, explained or explained away. I am deeply convinced that the way you live will be a direct consequence of how you see God."
By Chris Pascarella on Nov 24, 2022
based on 4 ratings
Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. – Acts 20:28-29
By Carey Nieuwhof on Mar 15, 2021
based on 5 ratings
So as a church leader – as views on sexuality, family, parenting, drugs, finance and other values change – how do you respond? What do you do when the world for which you trained—maybe even the world where your approach was once effective—is disappearing before your eyes?
By Lisa Eifert on May 15, 2024
What strikes simultaneous fear and joy in the hearts of church staff and volunteers this time of year? Yep, you guessed it, Vacation Bible School (VBS). Anyone who has been a part of planning VBS knows the vast amount of time, resources and imagination that go into making these events memorable experiences for kids.
By Charles Stone on Jul 26, 2022
Silos occur in organizations and churches when leaders act like their ministry or team is the only one that matters. A silo attitude results in that leader or team only supporting, giving, or attending functions that pertain to them. It can kill a ministry and result in many problems. In this post, I suggest ways to minimize ministry silos.
By Lance Witt on Jun 30, 2023
based on 6 ratings
I know that on Sundays we walk into our churches, we smile, we shake hands, and we make nice. We pastor people and we preach from God’s Word. We are very respectable.
But I know myself and I’ve worked with pastors way too long to believe that life is that neat and tidy.