By Charles Stone on Jun 16, 2023
based on 2 ratings
Pastors must craft compelling, Spirit-led services if we are to entice the unchurched to attend and keep attending. What they experience at church must be worth the price of giving up their relaxing mornings at home.
By Ron Edmondson on Jun 10, 2022
based on 2 ratings
Understanding forgiveness doesn’t make it easier to forgive, but it does make it more meaningful. I believe understanding the process could make us more likely to offer the forgiveness we are commanded to give.
By Joe Mckeever on Jul 19, 2023
based on 1 rating
You’re sitting in his church listening to him preach. He’s not five minutes into the message before you realize Mr. Hotshot is appearing before you in the flesh. His words and mannerisms give him away.
By Max Lucado on Jul 27, 2024
based on 6 ratings
"I really believe the purpose of Scripture is to give us this authoritative handbook. We have a place where we can take people when they come to us with questions so we're not just speaking out of our own opinion."
By John Piper on Dec 27, 2022
based on 4 ratings
My aim here is to encourage you to make “Christ-exalting” the featured adjective in your prayers. Let me explain what I mean. Then I’ll give you three reasons why I think this would be a great New Year’s resolution.
By Charles Stone on Dec 11, 2023
Discouragement comes with the territory for ministry leaders. Unmet goals, putting out fires, staff issues, displeasing people, and general tiredness all contribute to discouragement. When it weighs us down, how can we dig out? The life of the prophet Elijah gives us hope.
By Lance Witt on Jun 22, 2023
based on 3 ratings
Image management. There’s nothing particularly wrong with those two words, but when you put them together and give them to a ministry leader, it is a deadly cocktail. Image management is what we begin to do when our inner world becomes separated from our outer world.
By Carey Nieuwhof on Jan 13, 2021
based on 2 ratings
Preaching is one of the most demanding tasks required of communicators.
You’re not just giving a ‘talk,’ you’re communicating the Word of God—faithfully (you trust). And you do this in front of groups of people who have more communication options and sources than at any point in human history.
Not an easy task.
By Charles Stone on Jul 26, 2022
Silos occur in organizations and churches when leaders act like their ministry or team is the only one that matters. A silo attitude results in that leader or team only supporting, giving, or attending functions that pertain to them. It can kill a ministry and result in many problems. In this post, I suggest ways to minimize ministry silos.
By Joanna Gray on Apr 13, 2024
As church communicators we’re constantly looking for ways to make the ministry better not only for visitors, but for our church members as well. There are always little hints and quips here and there that our church family members say that give us a not-so-gentle nudge toward what we should be doing to better the ministry and further the mission.
By Josh Reich on Nov 23, 2022
based on 2 ratings
"The number one complaint I hear from people is, “I don’t have time. I don’t have time for hobbies, sleep, my marriage, relationships, kids, reading my Bible.” You do, you just gave that time away. You give your time to the things that matter most."
By SermonCentral .com on Jun 21, 2022
based on 3 ratings
For Shane Barnard, it came in the hospital room at the passing of his father. When the doctor informed Barnard and his mother that his father was dead, the flood of pain and shock came. As Barnard held his mother to comfort her, he says, as she wailed, she sang softly underneath her breath, the words of Job 1:21, "He gives, he takes, blessed be the name of the Lord."