By Karl Vaters on Oct 26, 2022
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"Every church should constantly be improving. And not just in general terms. We should always be working on specific action plans to make our church better tomorrow than it is today."
By Joe Mckeever on Sep 12, 2022
based on 1 rating
Get out of the office, pastor, and knock on some doors. Later, you can get your people to do it. But first, you do it. Do it by yourself, if you must. Or take someone with you. Do it by appointment or cold-turkey. But do it. That is as profound a way as I know to build a great church.
By Lance Witt on Nov 15, 2023
based on 2 ratings
There will be a day that feels like a normal day, but there is a devastating hurricane about to hit your team. It is the hurricane of a moral failure by one of your team members. But if you have prepared, it won’t be a “freak out” moment, it will be a “let’s execute our hurricane plan” moment.
By Lisa Eifert on May 15, 2024
What strikes simultaneous fear and joy in the hearts of church staff and volunteers this time of year? Yep, you guessed it, Vacation Bible School (VBS). Anyone who has been a part of planning VBS knows the vast amount of time, resources and imagination that go into making these events memorable experiences for kids.
By Lance Witt on Oct 22, 2022
based on 2 ratings
What are you trusting God for? What are attempting for God’s glory that requires faith? Sadly, the more years people serve in ministry, the less risk-taking faith they demonstrate. We can begin to rely on our experience, our skills, and our planning to win the day. Yet, without faith it is impossible to please God.
By Randy Alcorn on Dec 3, 2022
based on 2 ratings
"In times of doubt, difficulty, and trials, our fundamental beliefs about God and our faith are revealed. So how can Christians find faith in the midst of doubt? How can they trust God’s plan when their lives seem out of His control, and prayers seem to go unanswered or, sometimes it feels, even unheard?"