By William Boekestein on Apr 27, 2021
based on 2 ratings
A number of years ago I was about to preach for the first time in a certain church. As I arranged my papers and books I noticed a sign near the top of the pulpit. It was a quotation from John 12:21: “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.”
By Jeff K. Clarke on Feb 25, 2022
based on 4 ratings
I wonder if we have allowed our contemporary definition, understanding, and experience of the church to be shaped more by the post-modern impulse of individualism and self-centeredness, than by Christ’s and Paul’s emphasis on the gathered community from every race, tribe, and tongue?
By Thomas C. Brown on Jul 30, 2022
based on 5 ratings
"He has not chosen the strong, but the weak. He has not recruited the mighty, but the frail. He has not selected those who think themselves capable and worthy, but those who know themselves deficient and disqualified apart from his cleansing, preserving, and empowering grace."
By Jeff Medders on Nov 16, 2022
based on 1 rating
"I want to encourage every pastor reading this to keep preaching the gospel. Week in. Week out. Keep exalting, heralding, and lifting up our crucified Savior, risen from the dead, reigning in Heaven, saving all who will look to him and believe."
By SermonCentral on Oct 5, 2024
Today, more than ever, the world needs godly leaders who follow Christ wholeheartedly. Here are 15 leadership sermon and worship resources you can use today, including sermons from Andy Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, Wayne Cordeiro, Larry Osborne, and more.
By SermonCentral on Jan 2, 2021
based on 1 rating
It’s not hard to get up and say something inspirational. It is hard to get up and rightly divide God’s Word, build a bridge from an ancient culture to our own, and then to call people to an appropriate response to God’s revealed truth consistently week after week.
By Steve Smith on Dec 12, 2023
When I practice Advent, I get the opportunity to yet again, start my life over. I am invited to step out and away from my old ways and to begin new ways of living better–living in a different rhythm; living in a deeper–more sacred way.
By Lance Witt on Jun 22, 2023
based on 3 ratings
Image management. There’s nothing particularly wrong with those two words, but when you put them together and give them to a ministry leader, it is a deadly cocktail. Image management is what we begin to do when our inner world becomes separated from our outer world.
By Ron Edmondson on Apr 13, 2021
based on 2 ratings
I have a heart for leaders. Especially church leaders. I’d love to help others learn from my mistakes. In fact, this is a huge motivation for this blog and a lot of my ministry.
With this in mind, I want to share a few things I’ve learned over the years. I hope it proves helpful.
By Lance Witt on Jun 30, 2023
based on 6 ratings
I know that on Sundays we walk into our churches, we smile, we shake hands, and we make nice. We pastor people and we preach from God’s Word. We are very respectable.
But I know myself and I’ve worked with pastors way too long to believe that life is that neat and tidy.
By Lance Witt on Jan 8, 2022
based on 3 ratings
If you have been in ministry very long, you know how easy it is to get the two intertwined. When you feel called and when you have great passion for ministry, the lines between person and position can get fuzzy. You move from simply being a Christian to now being a professional Christian.