By SermonCentral .com on Dec 30, 2022
based on 4 ratings
I see the New Year as a time for recommitment and re-focus. And though it is simply the changing of the page of a calendar, it is still a good time to be reminded about those areas that are most important in our lives.
By Ken Sande on Mar 6, 2025
based on 5 ratings
An expert in conflict management, Ken Sande brings his expertise to pastors and leaders to help them relate better with their congregation, co-workers, and families.
By Karl Vaters on Apr 26, 2024
based on 4 ratings
We can either whine about how the new generation chooses to worship, or we can worship and minister with them. But we can’t do both.
By Peter Mead on May 7, 2024
based on 3 ratings
Preachers speak, but we don’t talk about everything. If you are a preacher you may read this series and find some encouragement that you are not alone. If you know a preacher you may read this and find some understanding that you did not have before.
By Dr. Stephen Nichols on Oct 5, 2022
based on 4 ratings
Luther’s statement at Torgau on October 5, 1544, must be our watchword: “We can spare everything except the Word.”
By John Gilman Ii on Mar 19, 2021
Before kids, life was simpler, but it was a lot less fun. After kids, things get crazy. Everything takes more time, and you wonder what you did before the little ones were around. Going places with your kids becomes an adventure. You pack up everything you’ll need and some things you won’t. You make sure everyone’s eaten and used the restroom, even though you know they’ll be hungry and have to go again when you get there.
By John Gilman Ii on Jun 21, 2024
It’s tempting to waive the white flag, to throw your hands up in surrender, to the summer slump. Many churches simply resign their efforts and re-appropriate them in the fall. First on the chopping block of suspended ministries are groups.
By Glenn Packiam on Jul 7, 2023
based on 5 ratings
Small groups are a perfect example of how pastors may learn from researchers. At many church conferences, pastors speak confidently of their latest, greatest small group model, sure that it is the new breakthrough in discipleship.
By Lisa Eifert on Aug 6, 2024
based on 2 ratings
All church ministries share one overarching purpose: Regardless of age, gender or race, they exist in service of God. However, just because ministries have overlapping agendas doesn’t mean the means through which to form them are the same. In fact, depending on the type of ministry, optimal organizational strategies often vary wildly.
Summer offers the perfect opportunity to focus on best practices for organizing one group in particular: the men’s ministry. Let’s count down five tips for forming—and sustaining—a vibrant men’s ministry within your church community.